Download Wifi Mouse PRO Android Apps - ETRIN WILDCAT


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Friday, December 12, 2014


Download Wifi Mouse PRO Android Apps

Transform your phone into a wireless mouse, keyboard and trackpad using WiFi Mouse. WiFi Mouse supports speech-to-text as well as multi-finger trackpad gestures. It also support media controller, explorer controller and ppt presentation controller features. WiFi Mouse enables you to control your PC, MAC or HTPC effortlessly through a local network connection.

  1. Mouse cursor movement:
  2. Slide on phone’s screen to make the PC/Mac mouse cursor make movement.
  3. left and right click support
  4. Tap the phone’s screen to make PC/Mac mouse left button click.
  5. Double fingers tap the phone’s screen to make PC/Mac mouse right button click.
  6. Middle mouse button scroll
  7. Up/down slide the phone’s middle button picture to make PC/Mac middle mouse button scroll.
  8. Two fingers slide up/down to make PC/Mac middle mouse button scroll.
  9. Remote keyboard input:
  10. Press any mobile phone’s key picture, PC/Mac will do the same thing.
  11. PC/Mac hot keys and combination key:
  12. You can press two keys at the same time, such as ALT+F4,Ctrl+C,Ctrl+P and so on.
  13. Speech-to-text input for all languages:
  14. If you input method support voice input, PC/Mac will show the same text as the phone get.
  15. Close to proximity sensor to show desktop:
  16. When your hands close to the phone’s proximity sensor to make PC/Mac show desktop.
  17. Mouse & keyboard full screen:
  18. Very big Mouse buttons and key button.
  19. Remote media player controller:
  20. You can play/pause/next/previous media players, such as Windows media players, VLC,
  21. Winamp and so on.


  •  Tap-to-click
  •  Tap and move for drag
  •  Two finger tap for right click
  •  Two finger scroll
  •  Pinch to zoom
  •  Three finger drag or highlight
  •  Four finger swipe down to show desktop
  •  Four finger swipe up to maximise current window
  •  Four finger swipe sideways to change current window focus
  •  Left handed mouse support (swap left and right mouse click)
  •  Show desktop when hands over proximity sensor

  1.  WiFi Mouse only support Wi-Fi connection(wireless mouse), Bluetooth is not support.
  2.  More gesture will be added.
  3.  XMBC will be supported next month.
New in WiFi Mouse Pro 1.6.1 (Updated: December 9, 2014)

  •  Add sleep,logout,restart features, please download v1.5.2 mouse server for Pc/Mac.
  •  Add auto scan server option, it’s the default action.
  •  Fix other issue.

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